Heck's Market Food Pantry at MCCC

Heck's Market Banner

Support Heck's Market Food Pantry:

Donors may support the MCCC Food Pantry with a charitable gift by clicking on the donate button below. 

MCCC Food Pantry DoorDONATE

Items Available*:

  • Food such as meat, frozen vegetables, canned goods, peanut butter, cereal, oil, flour, etc.
  • Baby Products
  • Personal care products
  • Cleaning products

*Product availability varies. We will do our best to source and provide high demand products for students.

Items Needed:

The Foundation is able to secure many staple food items at a fraction of the cost of the grocery store thanks to our partnership with the MCOP food bank. If you wish to donate items, consider the following needs, which are infrequently available through the food bank:

  • Toilet paper, paper towel and cleaning products
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and other personal hygiene items
  • NEW underwear and socks (adult and child sizes)
  • Grab and go items, such as granola bars, protein bars, and other individually wrapped items students can eat on the run.
  • Individually wrapped frozen foods. Items that can be microwaved on campus are especially helpful for homeless students who do not have access to refrigeration.
  • Food items for students with dietary restrictions, such as gluten free. 

Hours of Operation: 

Heck’s Market Food Pantry is located inside the Dining Hall in the Warrick Student Center. Students can be let into the food pantry by coming to  the Admissions Office in the “S” building, Student Success in Founders Hall or as a last resort, campus safety to request assistance.

Students may also schedule appointments by emailing foodpantry@xyschool.net. All students are welcome. 

MCCC Food Pantry Service Statement:

Nearly a third of MCCC students are food insecureThe MCCC Food Pantry will provide a variety of healthy food options and essential supplies to any student for free who identifies as food insecure. We commit to a dignified and welcoming customer experience for all patrons. 

The MCCC Food Pantry is made possible through a partnership with the Monroe County Opportunity Program and gifts from generous donors. 

In the News:

"Campus food pantry provides meals to students." MCCC Agora, March 29, 2022

"Student food pantry opens at Monroe County Community College," Monroe News, November 22, 2021

"MCCC food desert receives oasis; The Foundation develops food pantry." MCCC Agora, April 20, 2021


Contact Information

Foundation Office


Building / Office IconS-154
Phone Icon (734)384-4313


Fall and Winter Semesters
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Semester
Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.